This aged incredibly well!
This aged incredibly well!
this is extremely odd
I like being a little odd. Thanks 😊
You have amazing range, and every voice here is done wonderfully.
This just screams 2010 Flipnote Hattena and I dig that.
A lot of effort put into a pretty underdeveloped idea.
I was trying out a new writing style, something that was ridiculous and got to the point fast. I think I succeeded in doing that but yeah, it was definitely not worth it's own Netflix documentary.
Coyote tries to kill roadrunner and fails.
Cat tries to hurt mouse.
Those are some pretty simplistic ideas, but they manage to become classics.
People tend to have short patience when it comes to media, so as Bro_son pointed out, it’s important to be quick and to the point. Maybe the goofy wacky nature of it is not for everyone, but I love Bro_son’s comedy and find him to be one of the funniest, most original people on the site.
Stay tuned, we hope as we gain more traction and people are willing to watch more, we might dive further.
A problem a lot of surreal artists run into is their piece is drowned out by either self-awareness, humor, cliche, irony, and consistency. This episode doesn't fall into any of these too hard. The atmosphere is very hazy from either audio mixing, visual editing, or quick change between its loosely connected parts. This is something not a lot of other surreal things can truly capture, and it's great this was able to do that.
The other thing I feel is pretty clear is this is a deeply personal project from a few people who are really close. I really feel like you guys were able to express yourselves in a more abstract way.
I really enjoyed this. There were moments I didn't really enjoy but this was a memorable project.
Bad is more interesting than good.
That being said, this dropped its interesting aspects when the fairy started calling Jan's name, which is relatively early.
The humor is really painful too.
Cool concept, the OC looks really awesome too!
Get it? The childhood character is drunk! Get it?
Lets leave this troupe in 2004.
Goth, CS:S Player, Music Nerd
Joined on 4/23/21